Are you losing your motivation to exercise? Here are 4 tips to revitalize your workout.

Whether you’re itching for a change of pace from your typical workout or you’re looking for a way to get motivated to become more physically active, the change of seasons is the perfect time to freshen up your exercise routine.

Periodically changing your workout helps keep you motivated and more excited about what you are doing. By switching up the type of exercise you do, you’ll also keep challenging your body in different ways. Since being physically active is an important component of a healthy lifestyle – and something you should do over the long-term – it’s important to find ways to stay motivated, interested and challenged so you keep doing it.

Here are four ways to breathe new life into your workout:

  • Head outdoors – What can be more rejuvenating than feeling the sunshine and fresh air on your skin as you exercise? Take advantage of improving weather and the sun setting later in the day and take your workout outside. If you’re accustomed to working out indoors, whether at the gym or at home, the change of scenery will do you good. The variety outdoor workouts offer will also provide you with a fresh take on exercise. Instead of walking on the treadmill, take a hike. Rather than another spin class, take a spin around the neighborhood to enjoy some new sights as the miles roll away.
  • Mix things up – Taking a break from your usual workout routine can break the monotony and create new challenges. You may be invigorated by the new activity and may find a new love for exercise. Even if you decide you prefer your usual workout routine, going back to it will feel like a breath of fresh air rather than something you’ve just become accustomed to doing on a regular basis.
  • Evaluate your gear – When was the last time you bought yourself a pair of new running shoes? How about quality socks? Or a new workout outfit? If you are having a hard time answering these questions, it may be time for a shopping splurge. Not only is it important to have quality, supportive gear (yes, those sneakers you’re running in do wear out!), but sometimes a new outfit or piece of equipment is all it takes to get you excited about working out again.
  • Listen to a new podcast – These days, there’s a podcast that covers every topic under the sun. If you want to learn about specific exercise methods or get some new pointers to rejuvenate your workout, there’s a podcast for that. Or you can listen to a podcast covering just about any topic that interests you, whether it be educational, humorous or inspiring. Podcasts are a great way to pass the time so your workout seems effortless.

Sticking with an exercise routine can be challenging over the long term. Knowing when and how to freshen things up can help you revitalize your workout so you continue to stay motivated as you do something good for your body and your mind.

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Date Last Reviewed: January 7, 2021

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Andrew P. Overman, DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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