Diabetic & Heart Healthy

Jump-start Halloween morning with a Spooky Avocado Toast breakfast. Quick, easy and packed with protein and fiber, this fun breakfast will make healthy avocado and egg a favorite for your little pumpkins.


  • 1 avocado, pitted, peeled and smashed
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 2 slices whole grain bread (1 oz each)
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, halved lengthwise
  • 1 Tbsp bell pepper, cut in triangles and strips
  • 4 spinach leaves



In a small bowl, combine the avocado, lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Toast the bread. Spread the avocado mixture over the bread slices and with a fork, make a jagged pattern. On each slice of toast, top the avocado with 2 hard-boiled egg halves for the “eyes” and pieces of bell pepper for the “nose” and “mouth.” Use the spinach leaves to make the pumpkin “stem.”

Nutrition Facts

Serving size:1 slice toast

1 egg

Per Serving: 

Calories: 333

Fat: 21g
Saturated Fat: 3g
Cholesterol: 212mg
Sodium: 219mg
Carbohydrates: 24g
Fiber: 10g
Protein: 12g

Serves 2

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Date Last Reviewed: July 24, 2020

Editorial Review: Judy Capodanno, Health eCooking Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Dietary Review: Jane Schwartz, RD

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