Here’s why taking a vacation is more important than you think.

Do you consider vacations a frivolous indulgence rather than something that’s a necessary part of your life? If so, it may be time to change your views. The fact is that a break from your routine is more important than you think and offers benefits that boost your physical and mental health.

As vital as vacations may be, Americans often don’t take off all the time they’re entitled to. Some think it’s frowned upon to be out of the office too much, while others feel like there’s no reason to use up vacation days if they can’t afford to go on a trip. But even if you’re not traveling around the world, taking time away from the everyday stressors of life to relax and have some fun, no matter where you do it, is a necessary ingredient to a healthy and happy life.

Here are 5 reasons to take a vacation:

  1. It can improve your mental health. This probably comes as no surprise, but when you take time off from routine stressors like work, it often improves your mental health. Not only can it make you feel happier and more relaxed, but research shows that vacations can increase mindfulness and well-being and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  2. It can improve your physical health. Because vacations help you alleviate stress, they’re also good for your physical health. One study showed that men at high risk for heart disease were 32 percent less likely to die if they took frequent vacations. In addition to being bad for your heart, stress contributes to sleep problems, headaches, stomachaches and back pain.
  3. It can make you more productive. Although you may think that putting more hours in will result in getting more work done, taking some time off can boost your productivity. If you have more to give when you return, you haven’t lost out on anything. Disengaging from work gives your brain a rest and can improve your capacity to learn, get things done and be more creative.
  4. It can improve your relationships. Taking time off from work gives you a chance to strengthen relationships with family and friends. You have an opportunity to enjoy interesting, challenging and exciting activities together or to simply relax and savor each other’s company. Either way, being able to put your focus on the people who mean the most to you rather than your job is a major plus.
  5. It decreases burnout. Feeling like you’re just not giving it your all at work because you’re stressed, feeling a lack of creativity or have had enough of the same old routine? Taking a vacation gives you a chance to recharge so you can return to work with a fresh set of eyes and more motivation.

You don’t need to travel to distant locales or spend a lot of money to reap the benefits of vacations. Going somewhere nearby or staying home and enjoying a staycation are just as beneficial. The key to getting the most out of time off from work is to be able to unplug and not spend your time doing work or thinking about it.

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Date Last Reviewed: May 20, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Perry Pitkow, MD

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