It may seem scary, but this rash is commonly found in children and will usually go away on its own.

Molluscum is a very common rash seen in children. It is caused by a virus called molluscum contagiosum, and even though the name sounds scary, the rash is not dangerous. The molluscum rash looks like flesh-colored domes on the skin and often times has a dimple in the middle of the lesion. It is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact, which means the rash can occur almost anywhere on the body, but is most commonly seen on the trunk and around the knees and elbows. Molluscum does not hurt, but can be a little itchy, so it is not uncommon for kids to scratch at the rash and then touch another part of their body causing it to spread.

Even though molluscum is spread by direct contact, this does not mean your child cannot go to school or participate in sports. As long as the rash is covered by their clothing, or an adhesive bandage, then they can continue with their normal activities.

Luckily, molluscum will go away on its own, but it can take a while. While no treatment is necessary, molluscum can spread through scratching or broken skin. A bland emollient, such as Cetaphil or Cerave cream, can be applied to the entire skin surface to maintain a healthy skin barrier and reduce the spread. The majority of lesions disappear in about 6-12 months, but some will take longer, and there usually is no scarring left after the lesions are gone. Molluscum can get infected (usually from scratching), so if you see any redness or drainage coming from the rash, you should contact your pediatrician. If the molluscum continues to spread, or becomes bothersome, a referral to a dermatologist can help with discussing various treatment options, which may include prescription creams or methods to induce blistering. In rare cases where molluscum is not getting better, or if there are any complications, they may need to be removed by a dermatologist.

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