The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is designed to help treat or prevent high blood pressure by encouraging the reduction of sodium in your diet, and by eating a variety of foods rich in nutrients that can help lower blood pressure.

See the chart below for some examples and notes regarding the DASH diet from Pennington Biomedical Research Center, one of it’s creators.

Food Group

Daily Serving

Servings Sizes

Examples and Notes


Grains and Grain Products

7-8 servings a day 1 slice bread

1 oz dry cereal

½ cup cooked rice, pasta or cereal

Whole-wheat bread, English muffin, pita bread, bagel, cereals, grits, oatmeal, crackers, unsalted pretzels and popcorn Major sources of energy and fiber


4 servings a day 1 cup raw leafy vegetable

½ cup cooked vegetable

6 oz vegetable juice

Tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, green peas, squash, broccoli, turnip greens, collards, kale, spinach, artichokes, green beans, lima beans, sweet potatoes Rich sources of potassium, magnesium and fiber


4 servings a day 6 oz fruit juice

1 medium fruit

¼ cup dried fruit

½ cup fresh, frozen or canned fruit

Apricots, bananas, dates, grapes, oranges, orange juice, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, mangoes, melons, peaches, pineapples, prunes, raisins, strawberries, tangerines Important sources of potassium, magnesium and fiber

Low-fat or fat-free dairy foods

2-3 servings a day 8 oz milk

1 cup yogurt

1 ½ oz cheese

Fat-free (skim) or low-fat (1%) milk, fat-free or low-fat buttermilk, fat-free or low-fat regular or frozen yogurt, low-fat and fat-free cheese Major sources of calcium and protein

Lean meats, poultry and fish

2 or less a day 3 oz cooked meats, poultry or fish Select only lean; trim away visible fats; broil, roast or boil instead of frying; remove skin from poultry Rich sources of protein and magnesium

Nuts, seeds and dry beans

2-3 servings per week ½ cup or 1 ½ oz nuts

2 Tbsp or ½ oz seeds

½ cup cooked dry beans and peas

Almonds, filberts, mixed nuts, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, lentils Rich sources of energy, magnesium, potassium, protein and fiber

Fats and Oils

2-3 servings a day 1 tsp soft margarine

1 Tbsp low-fat mayonnaise

2 Tbsp light salad dressing

1 tsp vegetable oil

Soft margarine, low-fat mayonnaise, light salad dressing, vegetable oil such as olive, corn, canola or safflower DASH has 27% of calories as fat, including fat in added foods


5 servings or fewer per week 1 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp jelly or jam

½ oz jelly beans

8 oz lemonade

Maple syrup, sugar, jelly, jam, fruit-flavored gelatin, jelly beans, hard candy, fruit punch, sorbet, ices Sweets should be low in fat