Make sure that you and your family are prepared for hurricane season with these tips from The Baton Rouge Clinic!

It’s the beginning of Hurricane Season, and while we all hope that we won’t need this information, it’s best to be prepared.

Hurricane Tips for Health:

    • Make sure you see your physician to ensure that your prescriptions and immunizations are up to date. It’s helpful to have a 30 day supply of any chronic medications and inhalers.
    • Check any medications that you are currently taking to ensure temperature storage requirements are met.
    • Stock up on batteries for any medical equipment which my require it (Ex: Glucose Meters)
    • Assemble a first aid kit containing: Pain/fever reducers, antihistamines, bandages, antibiotic ointment, insect repellent, and sunscreen. Keep it in an easily accessible location.
    • If you have medical problems that make you intolerant to heat, make sure that you have access to a generator in case of a power outage.
    • If you are a diabetic, remember to pack a blood glucose meter, strips, alcohol wipes, lancets, and snacks.
      • Insulin Reminders:
        • Never put insulin on dry ice. Direct contact with dry ice or regular ice can cause insulin to freeze, which can ruin it.
        • Insulin can remain in an air conditioned environment of 80 degrees or below for up to 4 weeks. During a power outage, insulin can be put in a bag or in a tupperwear container on ice, but should never be placed directly on ice.

Hurricane Tips:

    • Avoid the use of candles in households with small children
    • Prior to a hurricane, create a Hurricane Evacuation Kit and Go Bags for each member of the family, including pets.
    • Operate generators on a dry surface, under an open canopy-like structure, never in an enclosed space like a house or garage. Keep it outside, away from doors, windows, and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come inside. In addition, turn the generator off and let it cool down before refueling. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite and cause injury.
Hurricane Evacuation Kit & Go Bag Supplies:
        • Emergency Contacts (Family & friends addresses and phone number, school & daycare centers, healthcare provider’s numbers, utilities like water, electricity or gas)
        • Copies of Vital Documents (Driver’s licenses, IDs, social security cards, birth certificates, credit cards, military records, foster or adoption records, immigration documents, etc.)
        • Medical Information (Immunization records, medical history, insurance information, medical power of attorney, or advanced care directives)
        • Legal Documents (Deeds & titles for homes and cars, wills, passports, etc.)
        • List of vital websites and passwords
        • Keys to vehicles, houses, and storage places

In addition to these important items, don’t forget to have each person pack a Go Bag with:

        • Clothes
        • Soap, toothbrush, & toothpaste
        • Bedding
        • Identification
        • Cash
        • Pet supplies
        • For children, it is helpful to include their favorite blanket, toys, or stuffed animals

In the case that you don’t have to evacuate, but lose power, it’s important to have:

          • Non-perishable food for 3 days
          • 3 gallons of water per person
          • Manual can opener
          • Flashlight and extra batteries
          • Matches or lighters
          • First-Aid Kit
          • Radio (battery operated or hand crank)

Make sure each person in your family knows what they need to do in an emergency, where you will go and how to get there, how to find each other if separated, and ways to communicate. Designate an out-of-state relative or friend for family members to contact if they become separated during an emergency. This person can serve as the point of contact if you can’t get through to each other directly.