Mayo Clinic has a stellar global reputation, the result of more than 150 years of commitment to patient-centered care. As The Baton Rouge Clinic leadership began to explore potential collaboration through the Mayo Clinic Care Network, it became clear that this relationship was in everyone’s best interest and could accelerate our journey to be the premier clinic in the Baton Rouge region, offering access to world-class expertise and the best care right here.

Mayo Clinic’s founder W.W. Mayo, a rural doctor in Minnesota, stated that the organization’s primary value is and always will be “The Needs of the Patient Come First.” Today, their staff continues that tradition of centering everything they do on the patient.

In 1910, Dr. Will Mayo, son of W.W. and one of the founding brothers, gave a commencement speech that said, “The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered, and in order that the sick may have the benefit of advancing knowledge, a union of forces is necessary.” Even then, he knew not one doctor or one team can know everything. Together, father and sons traveled the world gaining and sharing knowledge.

In 2011, Mayo Clinic formed the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a formal relationship with healthcare organizations around the world that share values; working together to improve the delivery of healthcare for all. This was a modern-day implementation of the Mayo’s vision for a union of forces.

As health care organizations face unprecedented market challenges, the Mayo Clinic Care Network offers a way to stay independent, competitive, and cutting edge. The Care Network has more than 40 members worldwide.

Each member organization, like The Baton Rouge Clinic, is carefully selected for a commitment to the highest quality, patient-centered care—passing Mayo Clinic’s comprehensive evaluation process that included an in-depth review of clinical and business practices, and quality, safety, and service efforts.

The Baton Rouge Clinic’s medical expertise is amplified by access to Mayo Clinic’s knowledge and research-based resources through the Mayo Clinic Care Network.

We are proud to be Louisiana’s connection to this world-class institution with the ability to consult with Mayo Clinic on a range of topics, tapping into its vast and unique practical experience and subject matter expertise.

Through our membership in the Mayo Clinic Care Network, The Baton Rouge Clinic can give our patients the care they need, at no additional cost, while avoiding unnecessary travel to other providers. Our providers can also bring the latest research, diagnostic and treatment recommendations from Mayo Clinic to our patients so that they get more of the care they need, right here close to home.