The incidence of COVID-19 is once again on the rise in our community and our healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to care for those affected.

Our leaders have worked and continue to work behind the scene with our U.S. Senators, Governor’s office and Mayor’s office to educate those in government on the needs of the medical community and our patients. We brought together the medical providers in Baton Rouge to start up a community testing facility and we were instrumental in getting a convalescent plasma program started.

State public health officials control the distribution of the extremely limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine, and we are working with them to secure doses for our patients. As vaccine becomes available for distribution at the Baton Rouge Clinic, we will notify our patients via our website and our social media sites. Appointments will be made and shots will be administered on a First Come First Serve basis. While we will work diligently to obtain as many vaccines as possible, the distribution has been slow and in small quantities. Please continue to follow the CDC guidelines (wear a mask, avoid crowds, etc.) to slow the spread of the virus.

Our future will be shaped by the challenges that we overcome together. Our highly trained clinicians are poised to provide quality healthcare to our community.

Thank you for your continued trust and we wish you all the best of health.


Edgar H. Silvey, MBA, MPH, FACHE, CMPE
Chief Executive Officer/Administrator