BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) – In conjunction with National Diaper Awareness Week, the Junior League of Baton Rouge is asking the Baton Rouge community to help meet a critical need in our city.

Gov. John Bel Edwards and Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome have proclaimed Diaper Need Awareness Week (September 25 – October 1) locally to assist the Junior League of Baton Rouge in getting the word out about this crucial endeavor.

According to the National Diaper Bank Network, one in three families struggles to afford diapers for their babies. The Junior League of Baton Rouge’s Diaper Bank is addressing this need locally by collecting and distributing diapers to local nonprofit organizations that support families in need.

“Fresh diapers are important for a child’s hygiene, health and comfort and those whose diapers are not regularly changed have an increased chance of diaper rash, viral illnesses like Hepatitis A and urinary tract infections,” said Dr. Susan Bankston, pediatrician and the Baton Rouge Clinic.

“Providing diapers to families in need is a long-term investment in our future generations,” Jessica Gagliano, Junior League president, added. “A healthy child will have a better chance of growing up to be a successful, well-rounded adult.”

The Diaper Bank’s goal this year is to collect and distribute 100,000 diapers, but it can’t be done without help from the community. There are several ways to support the Diaper Bank:

  • Donate at Permanent Barrel Sites
  • Host a diaper drive at your business, church or school
  • Send diaper donations through Amazon or donate online

To support the Diaper Bank’s initiative in any of the above ways, visit for complete details.

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