BATON ROUGE – With one in three American families in poverty reporting the need for diapers, a local pediatrician is aiding the effort to help children in need.

Baton Rouge Clinic Dr. Mindy Calandro says 28 percent of children in the state are living in poverty, according to 2013 census data. On average, she says disposable diapers cost roughly $70 to $80 dollars a month per child. Dr. Calandro points out that assistance programs like WIC and food stamps do not cover these essentials.

With these stark realities in mind, the Junior League of Baton Rouge has started the city’s first Diaper Cooperative and provides diapers for 13 agencies around the city including St. Vincent De Paul.

Diaper donations can be dropped off to specific barrels at Baton Rouge Clinic, McMains Childhood development center and Victoria’s Toy Station. Potential donors can also bring diapers to Touch a Truck event coming up on April 30 at BREC fairgrounds.

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