BATON ROUGE, LA – The coughing and the sneezing, cleaning up after a flood can do a number on your health. In this week’s Women’s Wellness, I’m catching up with Dr. Casey Carlisle, an internist at the Baton Rouge Clinic, and we’re talking about flood-related health problems. A lot of us have heard of the health issues related to mold and mildew, but what else?

“I think the most common flood-related health issues that we’re going to see are probably problems with injuries with people out and about doing clean up around their house,” said Dr. Carlisle. “As well as, problems related to stress and anxiety with the loss of property, just total belongings, and unfortunately, some lives as well.”

Dr. Carlisle said these issues don’t discriminate, but women need to watch out for a couple of things in particular.

“One in four deaths in women are from heart-related problems. So, people who may not have been more active that have been working in this heat and all the activity level that they have to do, may put stress on an already damaged heart that they may not have known they had,” explained Dr. Carlisle. “The other thing I wanted to mention, in light of all this flood and standing water, the mosquito population is going to boom.”

So, how do you stay healthy while continuing to clean up and get things back on track?

“You can stay healthy by making sure to stay well hydrated, making sure to eat regularly while you’re out in our nice Louisiana heat, make sure you’re protecting yourself from sun and sunburn with sunscreen and protecting yourself from the mosquitoes with mosquito repellant,” said Dr. Carlisle.

“Be sure that if you have not boosted your tetanus shot or you can’t remember when it is to come back in and get that tetanus shot. If you have any questions related to the flood and your health, to come in and see your primary provider. We here at the Clinic are very sorry and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has experienced this tragedy, and we are happy to help in any way possible,” concluded Dr. Carlisle.

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